The Challenge
Client C does food catering to foreign construction workers in Singapore. For many years, it purchased ready meals in bulk from a third party vendor and sell them to the construction workers at a mark-up. It soon appeared this business model may not be sustainable for long as its profit margin dwindle as a result from rising costs.
The Solution
Client C eventually opt to self-produce to lower cost. Many new kitchen equipment have to be purchased as part of this project. They include a bratt pan, a combi oven, rice and vegetable steamer, rice washing machine, cabinet, walk-in chiller etc. All these equipment allow our client to produce all their meals internally and boost productivity. Once again, after a comprehensive analysis, we helped our client craft a proposal demonstrating the productivity and benefits each equipment brought about. A 50% funding was granted for this project.
The Results
- Lower cost
- Increased productivity
- No worries of shortage of supplies